Woke up to the news and can honestly say it rocked me. Coach was an amazing leader and teacher, but more importantly she was an amazing person. Never thought she was bigger than UT, never really saw herself as a star. I only met her one time, but I will never forget it. I was 8 years old in Knoxville for a game against Florida. I was running around with some friends, and ran smack into someone and fell. I looked up and it was Coach. She glared at me for a second, then started smiling. Reached down, picked me up, then got real close to my face and said, "Are you gonna be a Vol?". I stuttered out a yes and she responded, "Volunteers say excuse me when they bump into a lady." I whimpered out a sorry ma'am to which Coach gave me a big hug and said, "Go Vols". I was already a fan of UT, but that put me over the top.