on Androids there is a function where u can press the power button 3 times in quick succession and it sends out an emergency message to whoever you choose from your contacts. anywho, I accidentally did that and sent a message saying help and so with my location from Google maps, and audio recording, and a picture from my front and back cameras. I sent it to my mom, dad, brother and sister-in-law. atleast I know it works perfectly but my poor momma sounded like she was about to have an anxiety attack and even my brother sounded scared.
this is a good feature to have though. if u guys don't have it set up go ahead and do it or have your kids or wife set it up. u never know when it might come in handy or u might accidentally scare the piss out of thode closest to u
this is a good feature to have though. if u guys don't have it set up go ahead and do it or have your kids or wife set it up. u never know when it might come in handy or u might accidentally scare the piss out of thode closest to u