I have never in my life seen a UT team with no clue who were are this far into a season since the Ainge/Rick Clausen debacle. We have good (yes, they are good) receivers, but we we run no slants, no curls, no dig routes, nothing...it's a go route, a quick pass to the line of scrimmage, or....what? I understand Dobbs can't throw but give him high completion percentage passes to complete...he has shown he CAN complete passes if given the opportunity...and our run game...why do we still run Hurd up the gut to gain 1 yard? Or have him try to outrun LBs on a wide run? It's like there is a conscious effort to call plays that are designed to fail from the get-go. If DeBoard isn't fired this offseason, well, i don't know there is anything we can really do, but this guy makes a Les Miles offense look exotic.