We do not use a “check with me” Play calling system. We ask more of our QB’s from a play calling stand point. These are givens. You have cited that the game by JG wasn’t a bad one and while I agree he didn’t make a monumental error let me ask these questions...
@Austin_Price. @Brent_Hubbs. @Rob Lewis
- does JG go to the line with 2-3 plays or does he have free range to run what he wants?
- We ran several (5+) run plays when it was 3rd and 5+....doesn’t JG have the option to check out of a run....or did he check into runs on those plays?
- We clearly had a gameplan to run, milk the clock and limit the possessions...how much of the tempo 3 and out 1 minute possessions is on JG or Chaney?
@Austin_Price. @Brent_Hubbs. @Rob Lewis