I love Tennessee football. Saturday was tough. It was the day I lost hope in Pruitt. It's now crystal clear that he's in over his head, his staff is poor, and the talent level in the program is no better than it's been since the early 2000s. All this means that I've lost hope for another 5 years. Fulmer needs to set things right before he retires. I know Pruitt is unlikely to be fired this year. But that gives Fulmer a year to build support internally and with supporters. And to find the freakin RIGHT GUY! I don't want a substance-less guy like Butch. I don't want a face man like Dooley. I don't want a no-integrity guy like Kiffin. And I don't want a position coach like Pruitt.
Hell, I have no idea who the right guy is. He MUST HAVE high integrity though. That's my one non-negotiable. Meanwhile, we press forward with the reluctant acceptance that with exception of rare years, we are and will be at best a mid-tier SEC football program. At present, we have a long way to go to reach even that depressing aspiration. But it's time to step up to the plate again and take another swing at trying to get it right.
Hell, I have no idea who the right guy is. He MUST HAVE high integrity though. That's my one non-negotiable. Meanwhile, we press forward with the reluctant acceptance that with exception of rare years, we are and will be at best a mid-tier SEC football program. At present, we have a long way to go to reach even that depressing aspiration. But it's time to step up to the plate again and take another swing at trying to get it right.