Some one recently asked if I knew of anyone who had 'the virus'...and my answer was no. Well, that changed yesterday when I learned that my sister has tested positive.
She lives in Louisiana and works for a beverage company. Apparently, that makes her 'essential', so she had been working. Told me that last Sunday morning (about 3:30 AM) she woke up feeling pretty bad. Said she didn't know what it was, but back and body were aching and apparently had a low-grade fever (<100*). She felt so bad that day that she went to the doctor on Monday, tested negative for flu and strep, so they tested for the virus. Even though they told her it would take ~a week to get the results, they got it back the next day and she tested positive.
So, when I talked to her yesterday evening, she sounded pretty weak, but said she was feeling better. She had diarrhea, but that ended yesterday...and temps were back to normal. Never had any respiratory 'issues' and expects to be pretty much back to normal in a couple of days.
Of course, she has no idea where she contracted it. She's in and out of a lot of retail establishments each day, but said she had been a fanatic about sanitizing surfaces/hands/her car/phone/etc. She didn't go to Mardi Gras, but who knows who she had been around that did go...or could it be that someone was around someone who did go. The possibilities are virtually endless!
About the testing...I've heard they stick a swab up your nose and that it 'isn't fun'. She said yeah, they basically go almost all the way to the back of your throat, but that it really wasn't horrible. Kind of tickled, she says (there's great potential for a joke here, but since it's my sister, I ain't going there!).
Just thought I'd share some insight from someone who's experienced the disease. BTW, she's...well, I'll just say 60 is in her rear-view mirror!
She lives in Louisiana and works for a beverage company. Apparently, that makes her 'essential', so she had been working. Told me that last Sunday morning (about 3:30 AM) she woke up feeling pretty bad. Said she didn't know what it was, but back and body were aching and apparently had a low-grade fever (<100*). She felt so bad that day that she went to the doctor on Monday, tested negative for flu and strep, so they tested for the virus. Even though they told her it would take ~a week to get the results, they got it back the next day and she tested positive.
So, when I talked to her yesterday evening, she sounded pretty weak, but said she was feeling better. She had diarrhea, but that ended yesterday...and temps were back to normal. Never had any respiratory 'issues' and expects to be pretty much back to normal in a couple of days.
Of course, she has no idea where she contracted it. She's in and out of a lot of retail establishments each day, but said she had been a fanatic about sanitizing surfaces/hands/her car/phone/etc. She didn't go to Mardi Gras, but who knows who she had been around that did go...or could it be that someone was around someone who did go. The possibilities are virtually endless!
About the testing...I've heard they stick a swab up your nose and that it 'isn't fun'. She said yeah, they basically go almost all the way to the back of your throat, but that it really wasn't horrible. Kind of tickled, she says (there's great potential for a joke here, but since it's my sister, I ain't going there!).
Just thought I'd share some insight from someone who's experienced the disease. BTW, she's...well, I'll just say 60 is in her rear-view mirror!