Volquesters -
How can I adequately express my gratitude for the kindness you've shown my family over the last 2 weeks? Your support on GoFundme is going to make a serious impact on my family's life moving forward. Thank you! I've also printed out your words of encouragement, both on here and from GoFundme. You wouldn't believe how far a prayer or a well wish will go when you're facing a crisis.
I grew up a Vol fan. I met Reggie White when I was a camper at Don DeVoe's camp. I'll never forget him belly flopping off the platform dive to make us kids laugh! My dad was a member of the UTAD and so I was always close to the action. I got to meet players and coaches, and I learned a lot of funny and interesting behind-the-scene stories. It built the love for UT that I carry with me today.
Attending UT was my dream and I achieved it. I was the kid who spent 3 hours a day in the library who you hated because you said I busted the curve! My grandparents couldn't afford college and I was determined to make them proud and make the most of my opportunity. I wasn't smarter than most of the kids I went to school with, but I was determined to be one of the hardest workers.
At UT, I had friends whose parents were truck drivers and other friends whose parent were doctors and important business people. Being 'cool' had more to do with who you were and less to do with who you were related to, or how much money you had. What was special was you could rely on your fellow classmates for so much. If you needed help and asked for it, you got it. There was a down-to-earth, giving spirit that you folks on here know about.
My wife attended a small college and so one of my major tasks upon marrying her was converting her to be a Big Orange fan. I knew our marriage would never survive otherwise! The funny thing was how EASY that was. She wasn't a football fan at all, and I took her to a UT vs. Georgia game and she was hooked. I remember her saying "I can't believe how nice everyone is. I expected something completely different." I think she was saying that she knew how PASSIONATE UT fans are so she thought the manners that folks showed, and just how we treated each other, was remarkable. She was right! So many of our happiest memories have been around enjoying UT sports together.
Last season, my wife was basically "out of it" with chemotherapy and pregnancy all happening at the same. She missed the entire '15 season. So this season, taking her to the UT Vandy game symbolized something very special to me. I'll admit I had a tear streaming down my face as we approached the stadium. I couldn't believe we were going to another game together. I thought it was all over for sure. But as John Ward would say "nosiree!" She's back! We're back! And oh yeah, UT football is back!
The first time I really experienced the remarkable spirit of UT fans was in 85 in New Orleans at the Sugar Bowl. Even as a 9 year old, I picked up on how disrespectful Miami was towards our program. When we won 35-7, I remember leaving the stadium and grown men were coming up to me giving me high fives! It was raucous! In the concourses, the UT fans were yelling "It's GREAT.... TO BE... a Tennessee Vol!!" You yell it like that when you know it's true guys. It is great! We all know that!
And these last 2 weeks have been great. You guys have rallied for me and my family in a way that we'll never forget. It's so great to be a Tennessee Vol and it's especially great to be associated with so many kind folks like yourselves. You ALL have your own obligations, your own set of problems. But you chose to help us anyway.
From the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU!
How can I adequately express my gratitude for the kindness you've shown my family over the last 2 weeks? Your support on GoFundme is going to make a serious impact on my family's life moving forward. Thank you! I've also printed out your words of encouragement, both on here and from GoFundme. You wouldn't believe how far a prayer or a well wish will go when you're facing a crisis.
I grew up a Vol fan. I met Reggie White when I was a camper at Don DeVoe's camp. I'll never forget him belly flopping off the platform dive to make us kids laugh! My dad was a member of the UTAD and so I was always close to the action. I got to meet players and coaches, and I learned a lot of funny and interesting behind-the-scene stories. It built the love for UT that I carry with me today.
Attending UT was my dream and I achieved it. I was the kid who spent 3 hours a day in the library who you hated because you said I busted the curve! My grandparents couldn't afford college and I was determined to make them proud and make the most of my opportunity. I wasn't smarter than most of the kids I went to school with, but I was determined to be one of the hardest workers.
At UT, I had friends whose parents were truck drivers and other friends whose parent were doctors and important business people. Being 'cool' had more to do with who you were and less to do with who you were related to, or how much money you had. What was special was you could rely on your fellow classmates for so much. If you needed help and asked for it, you got it. There was a down-to-earth, giving spirit that you folks on here know about.
My wife attended a small college and so one of my major tasks upon marrying her was converting her to be a Big Orange fan. I knew our marriage would never survive otherwise! The funny thing was how EASY that was. She wasn't a football fan at all, and I took her to a UT vs. Georgia game and she was hooked. I remember her saying "I can't believe how nice everyone is. I expected something completely different." I think she was saying that she knew how PASSIONATE UT fans are so she thought the manners that folks showed, and just how we treated each other, was remarkable. She was right! So many of our happiest memories have been around enjoying UT sports together.
Last season, my wife was basically "out of it" with chemotherapy and pregnancy all happening at the same. She missed the entire '15 season. So this season, taking her to the UT Vandy game symbolized something very special to me. I'll admit I had a tear streaming down my face as we approached the stadium. I couldn't believe we were going to another game together. I thought it was all over for sure. But as John Ward would say "nosiree!" She's back! We're back! And oh yeah, UT football is back!
The first time I really experienced the remarkable spirit of UT fans was in 85 in New Orleans at the Sugar Bowl. Even as a 9 year old, I picked up on how disrespectful Miami was towards our program. When we won 35-7, I remember leaving the stadium and grown men were coming up to me giving me high fives! It was raucous! In the concourses, the UT fans were yelling "It's GREAT.... TO BE... a Tennessee Vol!!" You yell it like that when you know it's true guys. It is great! We all know that!
And these last 2 weeks have been great. You guys have rallied for me and my family in a way that we'll never forget. It's so great to be a Tennessee Vol and it's especially great to be associated with so many kind folks like yourselves. You ALL have your own obligations, your own set of problems. But you chose to help us anyway.
From the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU!