The most newsy item of the day from Butch Jones was that Neiko Creamer has asked to transfer. No big surprise there. He's moved from receiver to linebacker to tight end during his time on campus.
Butch said they will for sure have an instate satellite camp. I think that one will be in Nashville. He said he will send some coaches out to do camps at other locations but that they are still finalizing where exactly they want to do the camps. He said it will be about their recruiting footprint in terms of other camp locations.
Rick Barnes said they are still looking to add another player with their available scholarship and that he would prefer it to be a fifth-year guy. He said they want to take two scholarships into 2017.
We will have full video on both coaches as well as a really unique piece from Nigel Warrior later tonight.
Butch said they will for sure have an instate satellite camp. I think that one will be in Nashville. He said he will send some coaches out to do camps at other locations but that they are still finalizing where exactly they want to do the camps. He said it will be about their recruiting footprint in terms of other camp locations.
Rick Barnes said they are still looking to add another player with their available scholarship and that he would prefer it to be a fifth-year guy. He said they want to take two scholarships into 2017.
We will have full video on both coaches as well as a really unique piece from Nigel Warrior later tonight.