Here's a great story. Around 15 years ago a friend of mine was playing golf with Jack's son. As they are leaving to play he realizes he doesn't have a putter. Jack II goes into his house and says you can use my Dad's putter from the 86 Master's. They go back and worth and he finally agrees to use the club. After the round Jack II says you can have it, my dad has never asked for it...probably doesn't know it still exists. A few years go by and he calls my buddy and asks for the club back. Dad asked me about it and I have to give it to him. My buddy says I'm sorry but you gave it to me. He calls Jack back and says dad the guy I gave it to doesn't want to give it back. Jack tells his son to find out what he wants. He tells Jack II i want to play Augusta with my dad you and your dad. Done deal. Jack got a plane picked them up in Tampa, flew to Augusta played a round had dinner then flew back. i thought my buddy was bullshitting but if you go back and read articles Jack states that the putter he used in 86 is the only club he can't account for.