and the current administration, coaches, and players simply don’t align. Now, I’m not saying they’re all like that, but it’s obvious where the ceiling is for butch and why it’s there.
This quote from 5th year senior Brett Kendrick perfectly sums up the issue and for this alone I fire butch on the spot. Not saying he will, but I would.
“It’s frustrating man. Being a senior. With the success we’ve had in the past, this has hit us this year. Brett Kendrick
He’s speaking of the success they’ve had. I’ve seen numerous in this fan base act and speak the exact same way. I’m sorry Brett and truly I appreciate what you’ve given this university but your acceptance of some extremely average years along with 2 very disappointing years and then you saying your disappointed now because of the success you’ve had screams meaty okra. This is the University of Tennessee. By Gawd that used to mean something. Something more than being happy with 8 in the season and getting to 9 by beating down some terrible ten team. Those who came before you Brett are disappointed because they, and or you didn’t play for a SEC title. They certainly wouldn’t have accepted anything in your career as being a success and thinking you’d arrived because of the few wins against nobody’s you’ve accumulated. I digress however Brett. As an older fan, I realize this isn’t your fault. Nope, you’ve been to to accept this and you’ve been conditioned to respond in kind. Your leader has accepted mediocrity, and you and your teammates have served it time and again. I wish you the best of luck young man, but time for you, your coach and your mindset to go on from this proud tradition and let some leaders who know this and will not accept the average as being successful to come in here and restore this program.
This quote from 5th year senior Brett Kendrick perfectly sums up the issue and for this alone I fire butch on the spot. Not saying he will, but I would.
“It’s frustrating man. Being a senior. With the success we’ve had in the past, this has hit us this year. Brett Kendrick
He’s speaking of the success they’ve had. I’ve seen numerous in this fan base act and speak the exact same way. I’m sorry Brett and truly I appreciate what you’ve given this university but your acceptance of some extremely average years along with 2 very disappointing years and then you saying your disappointed now because of the success you’ve had screams meaty okra. This is the University of Tennessee. By Gawd that used to mean something. Something more than being happy with 8 in the season and getting to 9 by beating down some terrible ten team. Those who came before you Brett are disappointed because they, and or you didn’t play for a SEC title. They certainly wouldn’t have accepted anything in your career as being a success and thinking you’d arrived because of the few wins against nobody’s you’ve accumulated. I digress however Brett. As an older fan, I realize this isn’t your fault. Nope, you’ve been to to accept this and you’ve been conditioned to respond in kind. Your leader has accepted mediocrity, and you and your teammates have served it time and again. I wish you the best of luck young man, but time for you, your coach and your mindset to go on from this proud tradition and let some leaders who know this and will not accept the average as being successful to come in here and restore this program.