I was as pissed as anyone on Saturday but when you have a bunch of turnovers and call a bad game you are going to get rolled. It happens. But we are 8-2 over the last 10 games. We are still some big steps below the Georgias and Alabamas and at least last year's LSU. But we are gradually passing the rest of the league with FL prob somewhere between the top 2 and the rest. Not too long ago we were arguably close to the worst. This KY team wasn't great but they are not horrendous either. A number of smart people picked us to lose. We were the better team but we had a really bad day. Time for perspective. Progress is not going to be a straight line and we need to accept that. JG is not as bad as he was on Saturday or the second half of GA. But I suspect, at least right now, he really does give us our best chance to win and I think he will have some more really good games for us. There may also be another terrible one. RIght now that is where we are but the overall trend is very positive and folks needs to open their eyes and acknowledge that. If we can get a consistent, strong QB we will be a big step further.