I watched a youth baseball game... Middle school aged in which some of my students from my school participated in. Some of the older players (much more mature and built mind you) played well and handled themselves without much issue. The younger guys got in against younger guys from the other team and did well also... however, some of the parents from my school were overheard stating that the 11 and 12 year Olds were just as good as the 14 and 15 year olds... i had to do a double take... i have played college ball... watching these two teams play wad like watching Farragut high school play coalfield. The discrepancy was really bad. However, the parents were delusional. Granted, i have kids and have watched them grow through sports... however when i coached them, they rarely were in my starting lineup... they were just not as good... are parents that far out of grip now of days? I was amazed