Staying in your house is good. Washing hands is good. Not touching your face is good. Staying 10 feet away from people is good. But what are they saying if you go out and stay away from people that are coughing and sneezing that have CV. Who's to say you have to be holed up and starve to death? Here in Knoxville you could go outside and walk for 10 miles and not meet even 1 person that has CV because there are so very few of the population that has it. Or you can go out and drive 200 miles and not see or approach one person that has the virus. Life is all about choices! When you cross the street you might get run over. Do you not cross the street? A hundred years ago if we could make a choice about driving a car would we take that choice if we knew that 50,000 people would die every year from traffic accidents? It's all about choices! But make good ones!